Our 500 oz-in, 3/8″ shaft, bipolar NEMA 23 motors are 4.2A/phase to take full advantage of most discrete and all-in-one NEMA 23 motor drivers.
They are also designed specifically with a lower 3.0 mH inductance for CNC applications. This lower inductance allows the motor to maintain higher torque throughout the RPM range, providing much better overall CNC machine performance when compared with many other common motors with higher torque ratings.
Our NEMA 23 motors are configured with Minifit Jr. connectors; no soldering or crimping is required, just plug them right into the drive, or if you need additional cable length, use one of our 16 AWG CNC Motor Cables.
We’ve seen machine rapids over 1200 IPM with these motors when used with our CNC machine kits.
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